Jacqueline B.
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
35.00 - 45.00$ /heure
- Genre : Femme
- Âge : 31 ans
- Dernière connexion : 2014-05-07
Lieu d'enseignement
- Chez l'étudiant
- Chez le tuteur
- En ligne
- Dans un lieu public
My name is Jacqueline, I'm 20 years old and I will be returning to McGill in the fall to continue my major in economics & minor in international development. I understand that sometimes a subject is only challenging because people have only ever been taught it one way. From personal experience, I know that a different approach can make all the difference. I also understand that asking for help can be nerve-wracking, but I will do my best to provide a relaxed atmosphere. I am patient, friendly and dedicated. Life is stressful enough - schoolwork doesn't have to add to it!
- Diplôme : B.A. major:economics, minor: international development (En cours)
- Institution : McGill University (Canada)