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Become a tutor on Acadam.com

Acadam.com: a directory of independent tutors

Acadam.com is a website that puts students and tutors in contact with one another so that they can receive and provide instruction that meets their needs and draws on their strengths. Accordingly, Acadam.com is committed to offering a series of products to its members in order to allow them to provide a more comprehensive service to their students and improve their experience. For that reason, Acadam.com’s mission is to be a preferred meeting place for students and tutors, thus allowing for the creation of an academic support network that addresses the needs and passions of all of its users.

How to enjoy the benefits of Acadam.com

Create a user account

First and foremost, you need to create a tutor account. You can then add your contact info, a description of yourself, the subjects you teach, your availabilities, your photo, etc… to your profile. The more detailed your profile, the easier it will be for students to get a feel for your strengths and what you have to offer them as a tutor.

Receive student requests

Once your tutor account and profile have been created, students will be able to contact you if they wish to hire you as their tutor. To respond to the messages that you receive, visit the Tutor Requests page.

Take advantage of the services offered to tutors by Acadam.com

In addition to its basic functions, Acadam.com offers a variety of other services that allow tutors to provide a more professional service to their students.

  • Manages payments
  • Receives and posts evaluations filled out by your students to your profile
  • Get a vanity URL