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Find a tutor on Acadam.com

Acadam.com : a directory of tutors ready to help you!

Acadam.com is a website that puts students and tutors in contact with one another so that they can receive and provide instruction that meets their needs and draws on their strengths. Accordingly, Acadam.com is committed to offering a series of products to its members in order to allow them to provide a more comprehensive service to their students and improve their experience. For that reason, Acadam.com's mission is to be a preferred meeting place for students and tutors, thus allowing for the creation of an academic support network that addresses the needs and passions of all of its users.

How to enjoy the benefits of Acadam.com:

Find a tutor near you

First, in order to find out if there are tutors in your region, enter your location and the subject you need help with into the search bar.

Choose a tutor

Having obtained your search results, you can now choose a tutor based on several different criteria (price, experience, age, evaluations, etc.) by consulting their individual profiles.

Contact the tutor of your choice

Once you are ready to contact the tutor of your choice, all you need to do is to click the button « SEND A MESSAGE » in the tutor’s profile. You'll have the option to allow other tutors to access this message.

If you are not 100% satisfied with our tutoring services we will refund the first hour.