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Aide pour Étudiant

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  • Zapaer A.

  • Monteal, Québec, Canada
  • 35.00 - 45.00$ /heure
  • Genre : Homme
  • Âge : 29 ans
  • Expérience : 2 ans
  • Dernière connexion : 2014-04-13

Lieu d'enseignement

  • Chez l'étudiant
  • Chez le tuteur
  • En ligne
  • Dans un lieu public


Whether you need help getting your head wrapped around a difficult concept or solving a challenging question, a tutor can make a big difference. I have had the experience of both being a tutor and being tutored. I know what students expect of their tutor and how to get the best grades. I graduated from the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and I am currently pursuing my undergrad studies in Materials Engineering. In highschool I tutored my peers in english, math, chemistry and physics. Teaching is in my family genes; I am always eager to help, patient and down to earth.


  • 2 ans d'expérience
  • Description :
    I tutored english, math, chemistry and physics based on the International Baccalaureate program in highschool.
    In that same time period I organized a SAT prep class for grade 11 students.


  • Diplôme : Bachelors of Engineering (En cours)
  • Institution : McGill University (Canada)

