Wendy H.
Montreal, Québec, Canada
40.00 - 80.00$ /heure
- Genre : Femme
- Âge : 50 ans
- Dernière connexion : 2014-04-01
Lieu d'enseignement
- Chez l'étudiant
- Chez le tuteur
- En ligne
- Dans un lieu public
Hi there, I'd love to be your tutor! I've had extensive experience teaching all over the world, from Japan to England to here in Canada. I've taught ages 4 to 94, on a variety of subjects from computer software to English as a second language. I've tutored for bar licensing exams and modern logic finals, and helped people succeed at understanding epistemology when they thought their minds were oatmeal from over studying. I understand the pressures of exams, learning disabilities such as ADHD, and the difficulty of attempting to learn something when it feels like you're just supposed to memorize and regurgitate rote facts. I've explained legal analysis and taxation systems, and taught an eldery Japanese woman how to diagram sentences in English. But one thing I haven't done it be your tutor. Please contact me so we can figure out if I am a good fit for you, how I can help you, and best use my communication skills to find the right learning style for you.