Shawna R.
- Kirkland, Québec, Canada
30.00 - 50.00$ /heure
- Genre : Femme
- Âge : 33 ans
- Dernière connexion : 2014-03-28
Lieu d'enseignement
- Chez l'étudiant
- Chez le tuteur
- En ligne
- Dans un lieu public
I am a motivated and dedicated final year Early Childhood and Elementary Education student who excels at one on one teaching with students. I truly believe in the individual and independent success of every one of my students and can adapt my teaching style to the individual child. I will do whatever is in my power to help a student succeed regardless of the obstacles they face.
- Diplôme : Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (En cours)
- Institution : Concordia University Montreal (Canada)