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  • Jason D.

  • Roxboro, Québec, Canada
  • $45.00 - 50.00 /hour
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 54 years old
  • Experience: 10 years
  • Last login: 2014-11-17

Teaching Locations

  • At student's home
  • At tutor's home
  • Online
  • In a center

About Me

Educated at the University of Toronto in the field of Analytical Chemistry, I have extensive knowledge in mathematics, sciences and the English language.
I am a father of #, ## and 17 years old, girl and a boy respectively. I understand the important combination of and the delicate balance between self-discipline, self-reliance and self-confidence.
I’m analytical, intuitive, and an adaptive professional. I offer a resilience and wisdom to help influence the growth of understanding not just on solving problems but also establishing fundamental methods that can be applied to all aspects of your learning path.
My leadership brand is centralized around the following principles:
 be energetic,
 be optimistic,
 be genuine,
 and be respectful.


  • 10 years of experience
  • Description:
    10 years Tutoring experience in Elementary and Secondary Mathematics and Sciences from grades 3 to Secondary 5.


  • Degree: Specialist in Analytical Chemistry (Completed in 1993)
  • Location: University of Toronto Scarborough (Canada)

